PDF Library

Old Bibles

These PDF files are scans of old pure-line Bibles that we have found while surfing the internet and we include them here collected into one place for our readers convenience. Many Thanks to those who first scanned and posted them online for the public's access.

1350 Tepl Bible

1522 Luther NT

1522 Erasmus' Greek/Latin NT

1525 Second Rabbinic Bible 1

1525 Second Rabbinic Bible 2

1525 Second Rabbinic Bible 3

1525 Second Rabbinic Bible 4

1526 Tyndale NT

1530 Tyndale Pentateuch

1531 Tyndale Jonah

1534 Tyndale NT

1535 Coverdale Bible

1535 Olivetan Bible

1535 Liesveldt Bible

1537 Matthew's Bible

1539 Erasmus NT Greek Latin

1539 Taverner Bible

1540 Great Bible

1540 Sword Bible

1541 Gustav Vasa Bible

1550 Christian III King Bible

1550 Stephanus Textus Receptus

1560 Geneva Bible

1565 Beza Greek Latin NT

1568 Bishop's Bible

1569 Bear Bible Reina, Casiodoro de

1584 Gudbrand's Bible OT

1584 Gudbrand's Bible Prophets

1584 Gudbrand's Bible NT

1598 Beza Greek Latin NT

1599 Nuremburg Polyglot NT

1607 Diodati Bible

1611 King James Bible

1782 Robert Aitken KJV Bible

1841 English Hexapla

1848 Romaunt Gospel of John

1865 Gothic, Anglo-Saxon Gospels

If one of the links above doesn't work, here is the link to the main page of the Bibles

The Bibles that you can find at that link.
English Bibles
1526 Tyndale New Testament
1530 Tyndale Pentateuch
1531 Tyndale book of Jonah
1534 Tyndale New Testament
1535 Coverdale Bible
1537 Matthew's Bible
1539 Taverner Bible
1540 Great Bible
1560 Geneva Bible
1568 Bishop’s Bible
1611 King James Bible
1782 Robert Aitken KJV Bible
Foreign Bibles
1522 Luther New Testament (German)
1522 Erasmus' Greek/Latin NT
1525 Second Great Rabbinic Bible (Hebrew)
1535 Olivetan Bible (Old French)
1535 Liesveldt Bible (Dutch)
1539 Erasmus New Testament (Greek/Latin)
1540 Sword Bible (French)
1541 Gustav Vasa Bible (Swedish)
1550 King Christian III Bible (Danish)
1550 Stephanus Textus Receptus (Greek)
1565 Beza New Testament (Greek/Latin)
1569 Bear Bible (Spanish)
1584 Guðbrand's Bible (Icelandic)
1598 Beza New Testament (Greek/Latin) 
1607 Diodati Bible (Italian)
1848 Gospel of John (Romaunt/Waldensian) 
1350 Tepl Bible (NT in Old German)
Polyglot or Multiple version Bibles
1599 Nuremburg (Hutter) Polyglot (12 languages, NT)

1841 English Hexapla

1865 Gothic/Anglo-Saxon/Wycliffe/Tyndale Gospels in parallel columns

I am also looking for a scan of the Waldensian Bibles known in history as
The Itala (Old Latin) - predates Jerome's corrupt Latin Vulgate
The rest of the Romaunt Version that goes with the Gospel of John that I have.

If any of you know where I can find these, I would greatly appreciate the info. I've been searching for them for several years now - found lots of historical references to them, but can't seem to find them.

Religious Topics 

 (CLICK ON BOOK to open PDF archive page)  
  This book is also available in paperback from major book stores
as well as others.
Our Newest Book
Originally begun just as a personal research study for the author just to learn a few more facts about Bible history, his research soon turned into a quest for truth. This collection of notes is the result of more than seven years of digging through hundreds of books and archives, searching for records and uncovering many long-forgotten historical facts. 

Sword Unsheathed highlights the amazing history surrounding the spread and translation of the Word of God from the beginning of the Christian era to the 21st century. 
This book brings together quotations and other information from many old and often hard-to-find historical books, while also simplifying unfamiliar terms and clarifying various obscure histories. 
It connects the dots in the fascinating history of how the book which we call "The Bible" came into existence. How it was transferred down to us today, and how it was miraculously preserved amidst a storm of persecution.

Introduce children to each of the features of the sanctuary in the wilderness.

This illustrated book will help children discover the wonderful details of the sanctuary while learning more about its Designer. 

E-book File 
The Wilderness Sanctuary.pdf The Wilderness Sanctuary.pdf
Size : 69395.773 Kb
Type : pdf

A hardback copy of this book is now available through 
Barnes and Noble and Amazon. 

Print Files
Please note: The files below DO NOT CONTAIN all the updated material in the hardcopy and the e-book to the left. 

  (This book may be printed  and used only for  non-commercial purposes. We recommend glossy, heavy cardstock, comb binding, and a plastic cover for the front and back. )

The King James Bible Companion

Over 600 Archaic Words Defined

©1999 by David W. Daniels, B.A., M.Div. USED BY PERMISSION.

Books by Ellen G. White 

Conflict of the Ages Series

The first volume of the series begins at the very beginning, with the rebellion in heaven and the creation of the world and describes the history down through Adam's descendants, the flood, the Exodus from Egypt, the establishment of Israel in the Promised Land, and the reign of King David. This book covers the history described in the Bible from Genesis to the books of Samuel.

The second volume of the series begins with the reign of Solomon and describes the history down through the dividing of the kingdom of Israel,
the Babylonian captivity, and the restoration of Israel back to their land.
This book covers the history described in the Bible from the books of Kings through to Malachi at the end of the Old Testament.

The third volume in the series describes the history of the time of Jesus Christ. It covers the time period of the books of the four gospels.
This beautiful history of the life of Christ has
been referred to as the best biography on
the Life of Christ ever written.

The fourth volume of the series begins with Christ right after the crucifixion and describes the history of the early apostles and the foundation and building of the early Christian church.
This book covers the history described in the
Bible from the book of Acts to the books of
Jude and Revelation.

This fifth and last volume of the series begins at the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD and comes down through the history of the last 2000 years. It gives detailed insight into the persecutions of the Dark Ages, the Church in the Wilderness, the rise of the Protestant Reformation, the history of the revival of the church in the 1800's and then it delves into the prophecies of the Last Days, which we are living in now.
This book gives us insight into the events of the cosmic war that is being waged "behind the scenes" between Jesus Christ and Satan.

This little book, Steps to Christ has helped many people not only come to a knowledge of Jesus Christ, but has also helped others who have known Him for years, to know Him even better.
It explores the Biblical steps to finding a eternal friendship with Jesus, and examines what the Bible tells us about God's love for each of us. It reveals the steps necessary for repentance, faith and growing like Him.

Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing is a wealth of information on the greatest sermon ever preached. It explores the key Bible verses of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount included the Beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer.

Early Writings describes Ellen White's conversion experience, and details the Millerite movement of 1840-1844, as well as some of the early visions that gave counsel on various matters and encouragement to the early Adventist believers.

Christ's Object Lessons examines the various parables and lessons of Jesus, and dives into the depths of the spiritual lessons and parables of Christ as they apply to our daily lives today.

The book Education examines how "the work of education and the work of redemption are one." It shows that the ultimate goal of all education and learning should be to understand more about our Creator and Redeemer. This book gives great, guiding principles that make up "true education" and shows that the Bible is the guide to parents, students, and teachers, in the great school of life.

In this book the author deals with sickness of the soul and the healing that can only be found by trusting God for all things. This book explores the connections between "physical" disease and "spiritual" disease and shows the health principles necessary for not only good "physical" health but also good "spiritual" health.

Healthful Living is a compilation that was published during the author's lifetime, with many of the most important quotes on health that she compiled from her many other writings. This book will definitely change the way the reader views their current health habits.

The Place of Herbs in Rational Therapy is a priceless collection of information on God's natural remedies and counsels on various treatments and the use of harmless herbs to assist the body in the healing process.

Patriarchs and Prophets.pdf Patriarchs and Prophets.pdf
Size : 1858.296 Kb
Type : pdf

Prophets And Kings By Ellen G White.pdf Prophets And Kings By Ellen G White.pdf
Size : 1269.545 Kb
Type : pdf

The Desire of Ages.pdf The Desire of Ages.pdf
Size : 1866.967 Kb
Type : pdf

Acts of the Apostles.pdf Acts of the Apostles.pdf
Size : 1250.374 Kb
Type : pdf

The Great Controversy.pdf The Great Controversy.pdf
Size : 1643.629 Kb
Type : pdf

Steps To Christ By Ellen G White.pdf Steps To Christ By Ellen G White.pdf
Size : 304.605 Kb
Type : pdf

Mount Of Blessings By Ellen G White.pdf Mount Of Blessings By Ellen G White.pdf
Size : 459.718 Kb
Type : pdf

Early Writings.pdf Early Writings.pdf
Size : 925.662 Kb
Type : pdf

Christ Object Lessons By Ellen G White.pdf Christ Object Lessons By Ellen G White.pdf
Size : 944.5 Kb
Type : pdf

Education.pdf Education.pdf
Size : 638.34 Kb
Type : pdf

The Ministry of Healing.pdf The Ministry of Healing.pdf
Size : 1150.716 Kb
Type : pdf

Healthful-Living.pdf Healthful-Living.pdf
Size : 450.232 Kb
Type : pdf

The Place of Herbs in Rational Therapy.pdf The Place of Herbs in Rational Therapy.pdf
Size : 1636.624 Kb
Type : pdf

Religious History 

History of the Church in the Wilderness - the true Christian Church through the period of the Dark Ages. Author B.G.Wilkinson Ph.D. takes the reader through the history of Lucian and the church in Syria, Patrick and the church in Ireland, Columba and the church in Scotland, the Waldenses and the church of the Alps, the church in Persia, India, China, Japan, and the Philippines - as well as many other long forgotten historical facts.

Truth_Triumphant.pdf Truth_Triumphant.pdf
Size : 1270.292 Kb
Type : pdf

A very strong argument in favor of the Received Text of the King James Version of the Holy Scriptures. 

Beginning at the time of the Reformation, author B.G.Wilkinson Ph.D. reveals the history behind the Protestant Bibles and the corrupt Bibles from Rome. 


Authorized Bible Vindicated.pdf Authorized Bible Vindicated.pdf
Size : 839.015 Kb
Type : pdf

This book, published by James White in the 1875, examines the life history of William Miller. 
It contains detailed information on the Millerite/Adventist movement in the 1840's, as 
well as many details and facts about William Miller that many people have forgotten.

Official Catholic documents challenging Protestants and revealing why those who claim to be Protestants yet who continue to observe the first day of the week as it was changed by the Papacy - are proving by their actions that they do not follow the Bible, but instead show their allegiance to the authority of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Blair Sunday Rest Bill
Its Nature and Its History
(Senate Bill, No. 2983) 

"IN the Senate of the United States, May 21, 1888, Mr. Blair introduced the following bill, which was read twice, and referred to the Committee on Education and Labor: ‘A bill to secure to the people the enjoyment of the first day of the week, commonly known as the Lord's day, as a day of rest, and to promote its observance as a day of religious worship.'" 

Arguments against the Blair Sunday Rest Bill, 
as presented by Alonzo T. Jones before the United States Senate Committee on Education and Labor, December 13, 1888.

The Broken Blueprint details the history of the Adventist Educational Work, the founding of the schools, colleges, and universities, what the God-given "blueprint" for the educational work was and how it was altered and changed by man.

This is a series of lectures that was given by 
Dr. E.A.Sutherland, revealing the fact that the 
great Protestant denominations failed to give the first angel's message in its fullness because they 
did not free themselves from the Papal system 
of education and its worldly methods.


sketches of christian life of william miller.pdf sketches of christian life of william miller.pdf
Size : 21629.618 Kb
Type : pdf


Blair Sunday Rest Bill.pdf Blair Sunday Rest Bill.pdf
Size : 2838.883 Kb
Type : pdf

The National Sunday Law.pdf The National Sunday Law.pdf
Size : 3191.384 Kb
Type : pdf

The Broken Blueprint.pdf The Broken Blueprint.pdf
Size : 1155.443 Kb
Type : pdf

StudiesChristianEducation.pdf StudiesChristianEducation.pdf
Size : 187.149 Kb
Type : pdf

Battle of the Bibles is not just "another of those books on Bible Versions." On the contrary, it is an absorbing documentary about scheming, intrigue and fraud as practiced by a Super Power in its battle for total spiritual and political domination. Prominent among the weapons employed in this continuing war are the interconfessional Bibles. The arsenal which produces them is known as Ecumenism. This book includes valuable historical insights into the mystical background to the New Age versions.

Battle of the Bibles.pdf Battle of the Bibles.pdf
Size : 356.315 Kb
Type : pdf

Author Vance Ferrell compares the KJV with the modern versions, and explores the many conflicting facts and details between the pure Bible and the corrupted Bibles.

KJV & Modern Bible Versions.pdf KJV & Modern Bible Versions.pdf
Size : 873.941 Kb
Type : pdf

The authors spent many years studying the question of Bible translations. After much research, they came to the conviction that many modern translations suffer from both the use of corrupted Greek manuscripts and from translational bias. They show how the modern translations are designed to reinforce false teachings and erroneous gospel presentations, and as such are dangerous to the soul salvation of men and women today. Modern Bible Translations Unmasked is full of their compelling evidence and is a timely warning to those who may think that any translation is just as acceptable as another.

Modern Bible Translations Unmasked.PDF Modern Bible Translations Unmasked.PDF
Size : 548.237 Kb
Type : PDF

Waldensian History


One of the best history books on the Waldensians - written by a Waldensian pastor, Jean Léger, holds many facts forgotten by modern historians. 
(written in French)

Another good book of facts 
about the persecutions of the Waldensians, written by 
Samuel Morland.

An old but excellent storybook on the Waldenses made for children, 
written by author and artist Joe Maniscalco.


The Waldenses.pdf The Waldenses.pdf
Size : 95820.121 Kb
Type : pdf

Books by Bill Barrett
Bill was the first one to teach us how to find the "Hidden Manna" in the Word of God, 
by using the Bible to interpret itself!


Bible Made Simple vol.1.pdf Bible Made Simple vol.1.pdf
Size : 21784.927 Kb
Type : pdf
Bible Made Simple vol.2.pdf Bible Made Simple vol.2.pdf
Size : 35511.068 Kb
Type : pdf
Bible Parables Made Simple vol.1.pdf Bible Parables Made Simple vol.1.pdf
Size : 68850.338 Kb
Type : pdf
Bible Parables Made Simple vol.2.pdf Bible Parables Made Simple vol.2.pdf
Size : 63163.157 Kb
Type : pdf
Bible Parables Made Simple vol.3.pdf Bible Parables Made Simple vol.3.pdf
Size : 26909.465 Kb
Type : pdf

Defiled Bread.pdf Defiled Bread.pdf
Size : 15831.486 Kb
Type : pdf

Health Topics 

This book explains the new discovery that the lack of water
in the human body (chronic dehydration) is the root cause of many of the diseases that mankind is suffering from. Diseases such as numerous degenerative diseases, asthma, allergies, hypertension, excess body weight, back pain, and psychological problems, as well as many others.

This book details more information on the various diseases caused simply by a lack of sufficent water in the human body.

This book details facts and figures from long-overlooked medical journals, books newspapers, and other sources. 
Using myth-shattering graphs, this book shows that vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline of mortality from infectious diseases.
An excellent resource book that everyone needs to read!

History Topics

Disclaimer: Books posted, we consider good historical resources, however, 

this should not be considered a blanket endorsement for all the authors' opinions. 


James Ussher's Literary Classic 
Annals of the World, 
details the major world events and their dates, from Creation to the year A.D. 70. 
It was originally published in Latin in 
1650 and then in 1658 it was published 
in English.

History of Charles Chiniquy, a priest in the Roman Catholic Church, who leaves the Catholic faith and becomes a Protestant and a friend of Abraham Lincoln. Chiniquy has some very revealing insight into the secrets of Rome.

The 2 Babylons by Alexander Hislop explores the intricate details of the comparisons between the paganism system of Babylon and its modern counterpart, the Roman Catholic system.


Murl Vance spent years researching all the various connections with the number 666. 
Much of his research has never been published, but this rare book has a lot of information that he discovered, that I have not found in any other source.

Author Ralph Epperson takes the reader on a journey back through the historical events of the last century and a half and reveals the fact that the evidence shows that the events of history are not some "random chance" happenings, but are rather controlled and orchestrated by powerful rulers in high places.

In his 1st book 
Beware its Coming-The Antichrist 666, William Josiah Sutton explores Who is the Beast, Who is the Image, What is the Mark of the Beast, and how to count the Number of the Beast.

In this, his 2nd book, author William Josiah Sutton explores the connections between the coming New World Order, the Illuminati, the New Age Movement, and many of the occult connections with current events.

Annals of The World - Ussher.pdf Annals of The World - Ussher.pdf
Size : 2610.257 Kb
Type : pdf

Size : 1911.319 Kb
Type : pdf

The Two 2 Babylons - Alexander Hislop.pdf The Two 2 Babylons - Alexander Hislop.pdf
Size : 764.581 Kb
Type : pdf

Trail of the Serpent.pdf Trail of the Serpent.pdf
Size : 82336.65 Kb
Type : pdf

Antichrist 666.pdf Antichrist 666.pdf
Size : 20755.213 Kb
Type : pdf

The Illuminati 666.pdf The Illuminati 666.pdf
Size : 2261.32 Kb
Type : pdf

Books that our Ministry has Written or Compiled

 They are in PDF form to enable you to print them off or read and study with on your computer. 


 Holy Scriptures were designed by God not only to stretch the scholar’s mind to its limits, but to appeal to the common man and intrigue the child.  God concealed many of His wonderful truths in symbols, figures, typology, and “acted parables.”

This booklet is an excellent aid for any Bible student, and will begin to open up the Bible to the reader’s understanding. It contains a list of figures used in the Bible along with their “spiritual” interpretations, rules for Biblical interpretation, charts, a list of Bible names with their meaning and more.


Hidden Manna Manual cover.pdf Hidden Manna Manual cover.pdf
Size : 365.26 Kb
Type : pdf
Hidden Manna Manual.pdf Hidden Manna Manual.pdf
Size : 1973.583 Kb
Type : pdf


Hidden Manna Manual -- Charts And Keys.pdf Hidden Manna Manual -- Charts And Keys.pdf
Size : 1874.371 Kb
Type : pdf


Explore into the foundations of Adventism and how God has led His people in the past. This booklet contains a collection of historical documentation focusing specifically on the life and times surrounding the 1843 and 1850 prophetic charts. 


Foundations Book.pdf Foundations Book.pdf
Size : 4454.907 Kb
Type : pdf


Foundations Book - cover.pdf Foundations Book - cover.pdf
Size : 1078.105 Kb
Type : pdf

Single page list of key Bible doctrines and their respective texts.
Designed to be printed (two per page) on a single page of self-adhesive "label" paper. Sticker can then be attached to the inside of Bible cover to be used as a "quick reference guide".

Bible Study Helps.pdf Bible Study Helps.pdf
Size : 210.052 Kb
Type : pdf

Misc PDFs

Bible Info.pdf Bible Info.pdf
Size : 113.542 Kb
Type : pdf